The Importance of Regular Drain and Sewer Cleaning

Reading Time: 4 minutes

How often do you perform drain and sewer cleaning? If you’re like most homeowners, you probably don’t do much with your septic system unless something goes wrong. Unfortunately, this can lead to costly and messy problems once your septic system breaks down from a lack of regular maintenance. Keep reading to find out what problems might be lurking underneath the surface.

Sewer Cleaning: A Crucial Aspect of Home Maintenance

The Importance of Regular Sewer Cleaning

Regular maintenance of your home’s sewer system is as critical as taking care of the visible parts of your home. Sewer cleaning, especially the main sewer line, is a task that often goes unnoticed until problems arise. However, proactively managing and cleaning your sewer can prevent a multitude of issues, ensuring the smooth operation of your household’s waste disposal system.

Preventing Blockages and Overflows

One of the primary reasons for regular sewer cleaning is to prevent blockages that can lead to sewer backflows. Over time, everything from household waste to tree roots can clog your main sewer line. Such blockages not only disrupt the normal flow of wastewater but can also result in sewage backing up into your home, a situation every homeowner wants to avoid.

Main Sewer Line Cleaning

The main sewer line is your home’s primary conduit for carrying wastewater from your home to the municipal sewer system or septic tank. Cleaning the main sewer line is not a DIY task; it requires professional equipment and expertise to remove blockages effectively and inspect the line for any potential issues.

Clogged Pipes

It's important to clean your drains

Clogged pipes are one of the most common problems present in homes where septic systems aren’t maintained. Over time, waste builds up along the insides of your pipes, and it needs to be removed to keep your drains free and clear. Drains that empty slowly are a common sign of a drain that is getting clogged–or worse, a septic tank that’s backed up. Either of these problems can end with a completely blocked pipe and appliances that fail to drain at all. Regular sewer and drain cleaning is the best way to keep waste in your pipes flowing smoothly out of your home.

Bacterial Contamination

Once your sewer gets even partially blocked, bacteria and other pathogens start to gather and multiply in your drains and appliances. These can cause serious health hazards for you and your family. They may even get into the ground around your home and contaminate your drinking water. If your appliances back up into your house, sewage contamination can ruin an entire bathroom or basement and will require extensive cleanup and renovations.

Damaged Drains

Clogged drains can cause your pipes to become corroded much faster than usual. This leads to leaks and water damage that often go unnoticed for a long time, costing you even more money. In addition, replacing leaky drains is a costly, time-consuming process where your contractor may have to make a hole in your wall or floor in order to access the damaged section of the pipe.

Trees and bushes are another common cause of pipe damage. Their roots often break into sewage pipes in search of water and nutrients. If you don’t have your septic system inspected regularly, it may be impossible to spot these underground leaks.

Drain and Sewer Cleaning

Damaged Appliances

Clogged drains can also cause damage to your home appliances, such as dishwashers and washing machines. If your appliances are not able to drain correctly, it can throw them off balance or cause other mechanical problems. Backed-up sewage can also cause corrosion that will significantly shorten its lifespan.

How to Clean Your Drains

In general, it’s a good idea to have your drains cleaned and inspected by a professional every 1-2 years. This gives you the best chance to catch small clogs or other problems before they can cause significant damage to your home. You should also call a professional if you notice signs of drain trouble, such as strange sounds or noises or appliances that take a long time to drain.

You can also take steps to protect and clean your drains in between professional visits. Don’t rinse oily or corrosive materials down your drains. Avoid flushing solid objects like diapers or paper towels down your toilets. You may also want to occasionally use a commercial drain cleaning solution or a mixture of baking soda and vinegar to remove minor drain clogs.

Don’t wait for a plumbing disaster to strike. Proactive sewer and drain cleaning is key to maintaining a healthy, functioning home environment. Aaron Services: Plumbing, Heating, Cooling specializes in comprehensive sewer cleaning services, including main sewer line maintenance. If you’re experiencing signs of sewer or drain issues, or it’s been a while since your last inspection, contact us today to schedule a service. Our expert team is ready to ensure your home’s plumbing system operates smoothly and efficiently.